| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2016 | 5.7 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2016 | 5.7 | 300 | Action, Abenteuer, Kriegsfilm | 2006 | 7 | 300 | Action, Abenteuer, Kriegsfilm | 2006 | 7 | 300 | Action, Abenteuer, Kriegsfilm | 2006 | 7 | Lost in Space | Abenteuer, Familie, Science Fiction | 1998 | 5 | Shrek - Der tollkühne Held | Abenteuer, Animation, Komödie, Familie, Fantasy | 2001 | 7.4 | Nothing found. |