| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Waterworld | Action, Abenteuer | 1995 | 5.9 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2016 | 5.7 | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2016 | 5.7 | Postman | Drama, Abenteuer | 1997 | 6.1 | Postman | Drama, Abenteuer | 1997 | 6.1 | Man of Steel | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2013 | 6.5 | Man of Steel | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2013 | 6.5 | Man of Steel | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2013 | 6.5 | Waterworld | Action, Abenteuer | 1995 | 5.9 | Der mit dem Wolf tanzt | Abenteuer, Drama, Western | 1990 | 7.6 | Jede Sekunde zählt - The Guardian | Action, Abenteuer, Drama | 2006 | 6.8 | Crime is King | Action, Abenteuer, Komödie, Krimi, Thriller | 2001 | 5.7 | Robin Hood - König der Diebe | Abenteuer | 1991 | 6.6 | Nothing found. |