| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | John Wick: Kapitel 2 | Thriller, Action, Krimi | 2017 | 6.8 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 2014 | 7.9 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 2014 | 7.9 | Spy - Susan Cooper Undercover | Action, Komödie, Krimi | 2015 | 6.8 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 2014 | 7.9 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 2014 | 7.9 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 2014 | 7.9 | Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung | Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction | 1999 | 6.4 | Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung | Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction | 1999 | 6.4 | Nothing found. |