| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Hellboy - Call of Darkness | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | 2019 | 5 | Die Macht des Bösen | Kriegsfilm, Action, Historie, Thriller | 2017 | 6.4 | Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache | Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie | 2017 | 6.5 | Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache | Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie | 2017 | 6.5 | Pirates of the Caribbean - Fremde Gezeiten | Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy | 2011 | 6.4 | Der letzte Tempelritter | Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action | 2011 | 5.1 | The Crew | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 2008 | 6.2 | Nothing found. |