| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Run All Night | Action, Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2015 | 6.4 | Liberace - Zu viel des Guten ist wundervoll | Drama, Liebesfilm | 2013 | 6.6 | Logan - The Wolverine | Action, Drama, Science Fiction | 2017 | 7.7 | Jane Got a Gun | Action, Drama, Western | 2015 | 5.4 | Gone Girl - Das perfekte Opfer | Mystery, Thriller, Drama | 2014 | 7.9 | The Skeleton Twins | Drama | 2014 | 6.7 | Very Good Girls | Drama | 2013 | 5.9 | Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones | Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2014 | 6.2 | Auge um Auge | Thriller, Drama, Krimi | 2013 | 6.5 | Run All Night | Action, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2015 | 6.3 | Run All Night | Action, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2015 | 6.3 | Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones | Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2014 | 6.2 | Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones | Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2014 | 6.2 | Gone Girl - Das perfekte Opfer | Mystery, Thriller, Drama | 2014 | 7.9 | Liberace - Zu viel des Guten ist wundervoll | Drama, Liebesfilm | 2013 | 6.6 | Auge um Auge | Thriller, Drama, Krimi | 2013 | 6.5 | The Reunion | Drama, Action | 2011 | 5.2 | Higher Ground - Der Ruf nach Gott | Drama, Thriller | 2011 | 5.6 | Milk | Historie, Drama | 2008 | 7.2 | Auge um Auge | Thriller, Drama, Krimi | 2013 | 6.5 | Nothing found. |