| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Colette | Drama, Historie | 2018 | 7.1 | Lizzie Borden - Mord aus Verzweiflung | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2018 | 4.3 | Anna Karenina | Drama, Liebesfilm | 1997 | 6.5 | The Tree of Life | Drama, Fantasy | 2011 | 6.5 | Lieben und Lassen | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 2006 | 5.8 | The Tree of Life | Drama, Fantasy | 2011 | 6.5 | Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray | Fantasy, Drama, Thriller | 2009 | 5.8 | Black Dahlia | Drama | 2006 | 5.6 | Anna Karenina | Drama, Liebesfilm | 1997 | 6.5 | Lieben und Lassen | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 2006 | 5.8 | Nothing found. |