MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
Wunden der Angst Thriller, Horror 2013 4.1
Sleep Tight Thriller, Horror 2011 7
Stoker - Die Unschuld Endet Drama, Horror, Thriller 2013 6.6
Katakomben Horror, Thriller 2014 6.2
Legion Horror 2010 5.3
Darkest Hour Horror, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction 2011 4.9
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Fantasy, Horror, Thriller 2010 5.4
Sharknado 2 Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.4
College Killer Horror, Komödie, Thriller 2012 2.9
The Purge - Die Säuberung Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller 2013 6.1
Der letzte Exorzismus Horror, Drama, Thriller 2010 5.6
And Soon the Darkness Horror, Thriller, Krimi, Mystery 2010 5
And Soon the Darkness Horror, Thriller, Krimi, Mystery 2010 5
Jessabelle Thriller, Horror 2014 5.3
Tucker and Dale vs Evil Komödie, Horror 2010 7.3
The Green Inferno Action, Abenteuer, Horror, Thriller 2014 5.1
Cabin Fever 3 - Patient Zero Horror 2014 4.7
Black Rock - Überleben ist alles Thriller, Horror 2012 4.9
The Tall Man - Angst hat viele Gesichter Horror, Mystery, Thriller 2012 5.7
Black Death Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller 2010 5.9
Babycall Thriller, Horror 2011 5.3
Nothing Left to Fear - Das Tor zur Hölle Horror 2013 4.6
Julia X Horror 2011 4.7
Die Frau in Schwarz Drama, Horror, Thriller 2012 6.1
Knock Knock Horror, Fantasy 2014 0
Black Mountain Side - Das Ding aus dem Eis Horror, Thriller 2014 5.2
Recreator Horror 2012 4.6
Dark Alien Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 3.2
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Thriller, Horror, Mystery 2012 5.1
Der Babadook Drama, Thriller, Horror 2014 6.5
Resident Evil: Retribution Action, Horror, Science Fiction 2012 5.6
Resident Evil: Retribution Action, Horror, Science Fiction 2012 5.6
The Colony - Hell Freezes Over Action, Science Fiction, Horror 2013 5.2
Oculus Horror 2013 6.3
Bait - Haie im Supermarkt Action, Horror, Thriller 2012 5.4
The Perfect Husband Drama, Horror, Thriller 2014 4.3
Dark was the Night Horror, Thriller 2014 5.4
The Sacrament Horror, Mystery, Thriller 2013 5.6
Erlöse uns von dem Bösen Thriller, Krimi, Horror 2014 6
Katakomben Horror, Thriller 2014 6.2
Repentance - Tag der Reue Horror, Thriller 2014 5
Die Sehnsucht der Falter Horror 2011 4.9
Resident Evil: Afterlife Action, Abenteuer, Horror, Science Fiction 2010 5.8
Wolfman Drama, Horror, Thriller 2010 5.6
The Voices Komödie, Krimi, Horror, Thriller 2014 6.2
The Last Days on Mars Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2013 5.2
It Follows Horror, Thriller 2014 6.6
Das Biest lebt! Horror, Action, Abenteuer 2013 5
Horns Thriller, Horror, Drama, Fantasy 2013 6.2
Crawlspace - Dunkle Bedrohung Horror, Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller 2012 4.7
Berkshire County Horror, Thriller 2014 5.3
Wasteland Horror, Drama 2013 4.4
Warte, bis es dunkel wird Thriller, Horror 2014 5.7
SxCam Horror 2014 3.5
Spring - Love is a Monster Horror, Liebesfilm, Science Fiction 2014 6.5
Blood Widow - Tod in der Stille Horror 2014 2.7
Altar - Das Portal zur Hölle Mystery, Horror 2014 4.7
Zombie Toxin Horror 2014 0
Weg mit der Ex Komödie, Horror 2014 5.5
The Alcatraz Alien Project Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 3
Preservation Thriller, Horror 2014 5
Mumie des Grauens Abenteuer, Horror, Action 2014 5.3
Dark Alien Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 3.2
Life After Beth Liebesfilm, Komödie, Horror 2014 5
Girlhouse - Töte, was Du nicht kriegen kannst! Horror, Thriller 2014 5.2
Out of the Dark Thriller, Horror 2014 4.6
Apocalyptic - Their World Will End Horror, Drama 2013 5.1
Late Phases Horror, Thriller 2014 5.7
Extraterrestrial Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.8
Wild in Blue Horror 2014 4.3
Wild in Blue Horror 2014 4.3
The Pyramid - Grab des Grauens Horror 2014 4.7
Of Silence Thriller, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.3
The Remaining Thriller, Horror 2014 4.2
The Mummy Resurrected Horror 2014 4.1
Starry Eyes - Träume erfordern Opfer Horror 2014 5.9
Disciples - Jünger des Satans Horror 2014 2.3
Extraterrestrial Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.8
Eat - Ich hab mich zum Fressen gern Drama, Thriller, Horror 2014 4.9
Die Frau in Schwarz 2: Engel des Todes Thriller, Horror, Drama 2014 5
Debug - Feindliches System Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.1
Battle: New York, Day 2 Horror, Science Fiction 2011 0.9
Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Horror 2014 4.7
Warte, bis es dunkel wird Thriller, Horror 2014 5.7
The Mummy Resurrected Horror 2014 4.1
The Cloth - Kampf mit dem Teufel Fantasy, Action, Horror 2012 2.1
Twisted Tales Horror 2014 4.6
Zombiber Horror, Action, Komödie 2014 4.7
Wir sind was wir sind Horror, Thriller 2010 6.1
The Canal Horror, Mystery, Thriller 2014 5.7
Mercy Thriller, Horror 2014 4.8
Julia - Blutige Rache Thriller, Horror 2014 5.2
Housebound Horror, Komödie, Thriller 2014 6.6
Dark House Horror, Thriller 2014 4.6
Brown Mountain - Alien Abduction Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2014 4.8
Among the Living - Das Böse ist hier Thriller, Horror, Mystery 2014 5.4
Absolutio - Erlösung im Blut Horror 2014 0
Wolves Horror, Action 2014 5.6
The House At The End Of Time Horror 2013 6.5
Julia - Blutige Rache Thriller, Horror 2014 5.2
Nothing found.
Showing: 1-100 of 568