| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Killer Kate | Horror | 2018 | 4.1 | Constantine | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 2005 | 6.6 | The Binding | Thriller, Horror, Drama | 2016 | 4.1 | Tödliches Spiel - Would You Rather? | Thriller, Horror | 2012 | 5.8 | Midnight Son - Brut der Nacht | Drama, Horror, Action | 2011 | 6.8 | Constantine | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 2005 | 6.6 | Alyce - Außer Kontrolle | Horror, Thriller | 2011 | 5.8 | The Crazies - Fürchte deinen Nächsten | Mystery, Horror, Action | 2010 | 6.2 | Constantine | Drama, Fantasy, Horror | 2005 | 6.6 | Nothing found. |