MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
Underwater - Es ist erwacht Horror, Science Fiction, Action, Thriller 2020 6.5
Eli Horror 2019 5.9
Doctor Sleeps Erwachen Horror, Drama, Fantasy 2019 7.1
Monster Party Horror, Thriller 2018 5.6
Im hohen Gras Horror 2019 5.5
Wir Thriller, Horror 2019 7.1
Escape Room Thriller, Action, Horror, Science Fiction 2019 6.4
Ich weiß noch immer, was du letzten Sommer getan hast Horror, Mystery, Thriller 1998 5.2
Wir Thriller, Horror 2019 7.1
Ich weiß, was Du letzten Sommer getan hast Horror, Thriller, Mystery 1997 5.8
Mission Galactica - Angriff der Zylonen Horror, Science Fiction 1979 6.8
Happy Deathday 2U Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Science Fiction, Komödie 2019 6.1
Office Uprising Action, Komödie, Horror 2018 5.3
Montrak Action, Horror, Fantasy 2017 0
Die Kunst des toten Mannes Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Komödie 2019 5.8
Gänsehaut 2 - Gruseliges Halloween Abenteuer, Komödie, Fantasy, Familie, Horror 2018 5.6
It Comes at Night Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Drama 2017 5.8
The Lodger Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Drama 2009 5.5
Aliens vs. Predator 2 Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2007 4.8
Alien - Die Wiedergeburt Science Fiction, Horror, Action 1997 6
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
Rosemaries Baby Horror, Drama, Mystery 1968 7.6
Krampus - The Christmas Devil Returns Thriller, Action, Horror 2016 2.8
The Bad Batch Drama, Horror, Thriller 2017 5.1
Das Belko Experiment Action, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
Viral Drama, Horror, Science Fiction 2016 5.4
The Purge: Election Year Action, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
The Purge: Election Year Action, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
Trash Fire Komödie, Horror, Liebesfilm 2016 6
Split Horror, Thriller 2017 7
Hush Horror, Thriller 2016 6.9
Puls Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2016 4.4
Pay the Ghost Horror, Thriller 2015 5.1
The Purge: Election Year Action, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
Pay the Ghost Horror, Thriller 2015 5.1
Poltergeist Horror, Thriller 2015 5
Killer Beach Horror, Science Fiction 2015 4.2
Gnome Alone - Gartenzwerg des Grauens Horror 2015 3.2
Hush Horror, Thriller 2016 6.9
Gothika Horror, Thriller 2003 5.8
Zombieworld Horror 2015 4.6
Mission Galactica - Angriff der Zylonen Horror, Science Fiction 1979 5.9
Poltergeist Horror, Thriller 2015 5
Wild in Blue Horror 2014 4.3
Wild in Blue Horror 2014 4.3
Alien - Die Wiedergeburt Science Fiction, Horror, Action 1997 5.9
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
Ninja Apocalypse Horror, Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2014 3.8
13 Sins - Spiel des Todes Horror, Thriller 2014 6.2
Blade Horror, Action 1998 6.5
Inside - Deadly Prison Horror 2012 3.9
Resolution - Cabin of Death Horror, Thriller, Mystery 2012 6.2
Zombie Invasion War Action, Horror, Thriller 2012 3.4
Tödliches Spiel - Would You Rather? Thriller, Horror 2012 5.8
Grave Encounters 2 Horror 2012 5.3
Bikini Spring Break Massaker Horror, Komödie 2012 3.4
Shark Night - Das Grauen lauert in der Tiefe Horror, Thriller 2011 4.9
Excision Drama, Horror 2012 5.9
Parasitic Horror, Science Fiction 2012 1.9
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings Horror, Thriller 2011 5.2
The Thing Horror, Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller 2011 6
Zimmer 1408 Horror, Thriller 2007 6.5
Schwert des Schicksals - Attilas blutiges Vermächtnis Horror, Fantasy 2005 5.4
Cabin Fever 2 Horror 2009 4.4
Carver Horror 2008 4.2
Blood Creek Horror, Thriller 2009 5.3
Parasomnia Horror, Thriller 2008 4.8
The Lodger Horror, Mystery, Thriller 2009 5.5
Alien vs. Hunter Horror, Science Fiction, Action 2007 2.1
Ghost Voyage Horror, Science Fiction 2008 5.4
Gothika Horror, Thriller 2003 5.8
Mimic: Sentinel Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2003 4.9
Gremlins - Kleine Monster Fantasy, Horror, Komödie 1984 6.9
John Carpenters Vampire Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller 1998 5.9
Gothika Horror, Thriller 2003 5.8
Ich weiß noch immer, was du letzten Sommer getan hast Horror, Mystery, Thriller 1998 5.1
Ich weiß, was Du letzten Sommer getan hast Horror, Thriller, Mystery 1997 5.6
Blade Horror, Action 1998 6.5
Bloody Marie - Eine Frau mit Biss Komödie, Horror, Thriller, Krimi 1992 6.1
Mimic: Sentinel Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2003 4.9
Zimmer 1408 Horror, Thriller 2007 6.5
Der Nebel Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2007 6.7
Aliens vs. Predator 2 Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2007 4.8
Aliens vs. Predator 2 Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2007 4.8
Space Platoon Komödie, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction 1996 3.7
Shadowzone Horror, Science Fiction 1990 4.6
The Cell Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2000 6
Open Water 2 Drama, Horror, Thriller 2006 5.3
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
Mission Galactica - Angriff der Zylonen Horror, Science Fiction 1979 5.9
Species II Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1998 4.5
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
John Carpenters Vampire Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller 1998 5.9
Der weiße Hai 3 Thriller, Horror 1983 4.3
Echoes - Stimmen aus der Zwischenwelt Horror, Mystery, Thriller 1999 6.5
Supernova Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2000 4.9
Mission Galactica - Angriff der Zylonen Horror, Science Fiction 1979 5.9
Tremors 2: Die Rückkehr der Raketenwürmer Horror, Action, Komödie, Science Fiction 1996 5.8
Blade Horror, Action 1998 6.5
Haus der 1000 Leichen Horror 2003 6
Nothing found.
Showing: 1-100 of 101