| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | The Irishman | Krimi, Historie, Drama | 2019 | 8.2 | Marauders - Die Reichen werden bezahlen | Action, Krimi, Thriller | 2016 | 5.8 | Freelancers | Mystery, Drama, Action, Krimi | 2012 | 4.7 | The Wolf of Wall Street | Krimi, Drama, Komödie | 2013 | 7.9 | The Iceman | Thriller, Krimi, Drama | 2012 | 6.4 | Freelancers | Mystery, Drama, Action, Krimi | 2012 | 4.7 | Alpha Dog - Tödliche Freundschaften | Krimi, Drama | 2006 | 6.6 | Nothing found. |