| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Ad Astra - Zu den Sternen | Science Fiction, Drama, Thriller, Abenteuer, Mystery | 2019 | 6.1 | Replicas | Thriller, Science Fiction | 2018 | 5.7 | Bumblebee | Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction | 2018 | 6.4 | The Cloverfield Paradox | Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction | 2018 | 5.6 | Aliens vs. Predator 2 | Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror | 2007 | 4.8 | The Cloverfield Paradox | Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction | 2018 | 5.7 | Aliens vs. Predator 2 | Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror | 2007 | 4.8 | Aliens vs. Predator 2 | Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror | 2007 | 4.8 | Nothing found. |