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Translated Title Category Year Rating
Bloodshot Action, Science Fiction 2020 7.3
Avengers: Endgame Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Action 2019 8.3
Riddick - Überleben ist seine Rache Science Fiction, Action, Thriller 2013 6.2
Avengers: Endgame Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Action 2019 8.4
Riddick - Chroniken eines Kriegers Action, Science Fiction 2004 6.4
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.8
Avengers: Infinity War Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action 2018 8.3
Riddick - Chroniken eines Kriegers Action, Science Fiction 2004 6.4
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Action, Abenteuer, Komödie, Science Fiction 2017 7.6
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Action, Abenteuer, Komödie, Science Fiction 2017 7.6
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.7
Riddick - Chroniken eines Kriegers Action, Science Fiction 2004 6.3
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.7
Guardians of the Galaxy Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2014 7.9
Guardians of the Galaxy Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2014 7.9
Guardians of the Galaxy Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2014 7.9
Guardians of the Galaxy Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2014 7.9
Guardians of the Galaxy Action, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2014 7.9
Riddick - Überleben ist seine Rache Science Fiction, Action, Thriller 2013 6.2
Der Gigant aus dem All Abenteuer, Animation, Familie, Fantasy, Science Fiction 1999 7.7
Babylon A.D. Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2008 5.4
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.7
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.7
Riddick - Chroniken eines Kriegers Action, Science Fiction 2004 6.3
Pitch Black - Planet der Finsternis Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2000 6.7
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