MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
Terminator: Genisys Science Fiction, Action, Thriller, Abenteuer 2015 5.8
Terminator: Genisys Science Fiction, Action, Thriller, Abenteuer 2015 5.8
Jurassic World Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 6.5
The Reach - In der Schusslinie Thriller 2014 5.4
Poltergeist Horror, Thriller 2015 5
The Occupants - Sie wollen dein Leben Thriller 2014 3.6
The Lazarus Effect Thriller, Horror 2015 5.1
Self/Less - Der Fremde in mir Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller 2015 6.3
San Andreas Action, Drama, Thriller 2015 6
Fünf Freunde 4 Thriller, Krimi, Familie, Abenteuer 2015 5.4
Cut Bank - Kleine Morde unter Nachbarn Thriller 2014 5.5
Herbststurm Thriller, Drama, Liebesfilm 2014 5
Blutiger Auftrag- Es gibt kein Entkommen Thriller 2014 4.9
Mad Max: Fury Road Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 7.3
Long Weekend Thriller, Drama, Horror 2009 5.3
Jurassic World Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 6.5
Return to Sender Drama, Thriller 2015 5.1
Das ewige Leben Komödie, Krimi, Thriller 2015 7
Mad Max: Fury Road Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 7.3
Good People Thriller, Krimi, Action 2014 5.3
Ghost Boat Thriller, Horror 2015 3.7
Wrecked - Ohne jede Erinnerung Mystery, Thriller 2011 5.3
Dunkle Lust 2 - Sex. Lügen. Rache. Drama, Thriller, Krimi, Liebesfilm, Foreign 2011 4
Wie ein weißer Vogel im Schneesturm Thriller, Drama 2014 6.1
The Target Thriller, Action 2014 5.6
Stretch Action, Komödie, Thriller 2014 6.2
Jurassic World Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 6.5
In Secret - Geheime Leidenschaft Drama, Thriller, Krimi 2013 5.6
No Country for Old Men Krimi, Drama, Thriller 2007 7.8
Run All Night Action, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2015 6.3
'71 - Hinter feindlichen Linien Thriller, Action, Drama, Kriegsfilm 2014 6.7
Unknown User Horror, Thriller 2015 5.4
Kill the Messenger Thriller, Krimi, Drama, Mystery 2014 6.5
Extant Thriller, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama 2014 6
Need for Speed Action, Krimi, Drama, Thriller 2014 6.1
The Alcatraz Alien Project Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 3
Preservation Thriller, Horror 2014 5
Liliths Fluch Action, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller 2004 4.8
Insidious: Chapter 3 - Jede Geschichte hat einen Anfang Drama, Horror, Thriller 2015 6.2
Dark Alien Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 3.2
Backcountry - Gnadenlose Wildnis Drama, Horror, Thriller 2015 5.8
Gefährliche Leidenschaft - Wuthering High Thriller, Drama 2015 4.9
Fast & Furious 7 Action, Krimi, Thriller 2015 7.2
Die rote Flut Action, Thriller, Kriegsfilm 1984 6.3
Black Sea Abenteuer, Thriller 2014 6.3
Alone in the Dark Action, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller 2005 3.1
Fürst der Dämonen Thriller, Abenteuer, Mystery, Fantasy 2014 4.9
Back to the Dark Side Krimi, Thriller 2014 4.3
Wild Card Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2015 5.4
Mercenary: Absolution Thriller, Action, Abenteuer, Krimi 2015 4.6
Hope Lost Drama, Thriller 2015 4.2
The Imitation Game - Ein streng geheimes Leben Historie, Drama, Thriller, Kriegsfilm 2014 8
Bound - Gefangen im Netz der Begierde Thriller, Drama 2015 3.6
Girlhouse - Töte, was Du nicht kriegen kannst! Horror, Thriller 2014 5.2
Unknown Caller Thriller 2015 5.2
Die Eindringlinge Thriller 2015 5.1
Out of the Dark Thriller, Horror 2014 4.6
Run All Night Action, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2015 6.3
Foxcatcher Drama, Thriller 2014 6.6
Everly Thriller, Action 2015 5.2
Redline Fantasy, Drama, Action, Thriller, Animation 2009 7.2
Wir waren Könige Drama, Krimi, Thriller 2014 6.1
Good People Thriller, Krimi, Action 2014 5.3
Late Phases Horror, Thriller 2014 5.7
Wicked Blood Action, Drama, Thriller 2014 5.3
Bound - Gefangen im Netz der Begierde Thriller, Drama 2015 3.6
Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2014 6.2
Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2014 6.2
Of Silence Thriller, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction 2014 4.3
The Gambler Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2014 5.7
The Gambler Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2014 5.7
Einer nach dem anderen Thriller, Action, Komödie, Krimi 2014 7
Apokalypse Los Angeles Thriller, Science Fiction, Action 2014 4.7
The Lookalike Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2014 5.1
Wildes Verlangen - Pleasure or Pain Drama, Thriller 2013 4.5
Stretch Action, Komödie, Thriller 2014 6.2
The Lookalike Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2014 5.1
Wildes Verlangen - Pleasure or Pain Drama, Thriller 2013 4.5
Reclaim Thriller 2014 4.9
The Guest Mystery, Thriller, Action 2014 6.5
Automata Thriller, Science Fiction 2014 5.6
The Remaining Thriller, Horror 2014 4.2
The Marine 4 Action, Thriller 2015 5.8
The Equalizer Thriller, Action, Krimi 2014 7.1
Stephen King's A Good Marriage Thriller 2014 5.1
Perfect Sisters Thriller, Drama, Krimi 2014 5.6
Die Eindringlinge Thriller 2015 5.1
Halo: Nightfall Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Action, Thriller 2014 5.2
Fifty Shades of Grey - Geheimes Verlangen Drama, Liebesfilm, Thriller 2015 5.3
Das Vermächtnis der Tempelritter Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Mystery 2004 6.4
Eat - Ich hab mich zum Fressen gern Drama, Thriller, Horror 2014 4.9
Die Todeskandidaten Action, Thriller 2007 5.8
Die Heineken Entführung Thriller, Krimi, Drama 2011 6.3
Die Frau in Schwarz 2: Engel des Todes Thriller, Horror, Drama 2014 5
Coherence Thriller, Science Fiction 2013 7.2
Careful What You Wish For Drama, Thriller 2015 5.9
Caged Thriller, Drama 2011 5
Baise-moi (Fick mich!) Krimi, Drama, Liebesfilm, Thriller 2000 4.1
96 Hours - Taken 3 Thriller, Action 2014 6.1
Keine gute Tat Krimi, Thriller 2014 5.6
Nothing found.
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