| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Der Hades Faktor | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2006 | 5.8 | Das geheime Fenster | Mystery, Thriller | 2004 | 6.5 | Dreamcatcher | Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2003 | 5.3 | Deathwatch | Drama, Horror, Thriller, Kriegsfilm | 2002 | 6 | Fahrstuhl des Grauens | Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller | 1983 | 5.8 | Young Adam - Dunkle Leidenschaft | Drama, Thriller, Krimi, Liebesfilm | 2003 | 5.9 | Mörder ohne Erinnerung | Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Action | 2003 | 6.3 | 8 Blickwinkel | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 2008 | 6.3 | Cloverfield | Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2008 | 6.5 | Shutter - Sie sehen dich | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 2008 | 5.3 | Jack Ruby - Im Netz der Mafia | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 1992 | 4 | Until Death | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2007 | 4.9 | Düstere Legenden 3 | Horror, Thriller | 2005 | 4.9 | The Happening | Thriller, Science Fiction | 2008 | 5 | Ich weiß noch immer, was du letzten Sommer getan hast | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 1998 | 5.1 | Ich weiß, was Du letzten Sommer getan hast | Horror, Thriller, Mystery | 1997 | 5.6 | Untraceable | Mystery, Thriller | 2008 | 5.9 | Der Name der Rose | Drama, Thriller, Mystery | 1986 | 7.3 | Atomic Twister - Sturm des Untergangs | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2002 | 4.4 | Krieg Im Spiegel | Action, Drama, Thriller | 1969 | 5.3 | Sunset - Dämmerung in Hollywood | Action, Komödie, Krimi, Mystery, Thriller | 1988 | 5.7 | Kalifornia | Thriller, Krimi | 1993 | 6.4 | Der Maschinist | Thriller, Drama | 2004 | 7.4 | The Foreigner - Der Fremde | Action, Thriller | 2003 | 3.7 | Icon | TV-Film, Action, Drama, Thriller | 2005 | 3.9 | Frankenfish | TV-Film, Action, Horror, Komödie, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2004 | 4.7 | The Shepherd | Action, Krimi, Thriller | 2008 | 4.9 | Cutaway - Jede Sekunde zählt! | Action, Thriller | 2000 | 4.8 | Living & Dying | Action, Krimi, Thriller | 2007 | 3.8 | Putzfrau Undercover | Thriller, Komödie | 2008 | 7 | Fire Down Below | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Thriller | 1997 | 5 | Pro-Life - Des Teufels Brut | Thriller, Horror | 2006 | 5.2 | The Prodigy | Action, Drama, Familie, Mystery, Thriller | 2005 | 6 | The Call 2 | Mystery, Horror, Thriller | 2005 | 5.5 | Die Vorahnung | Thriller, Drama, Mystery | 2007 | 5.8 | Die Welle | Drama, Thriller | 2008 | 7.5 | Bloody Marie - Eine Frau mit Biss | Komödie, Horror, Thriller, Krimi | 1992 | 6.1 | Shiri | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Thriller | 1999 | 6 | Xchange | TV-Film, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2001 | 5.5 | Atomalarm in San Francisco | Action, Thriller, Drama | 2003 | 6 | The Dead will tell - Tödliche Liebe | Thriller, Drama, Mystery | 2004 | 3.8 | Chamäleon - Spektakuläre Verwandlung | Science Fiction, Thriller | 1998 | 9.2 | Stirb langsam - Jetzt erst recht | Action, Thriller | 1995 | 7 | Du stirbst nur zweimal | Action, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller, Kriegsfilm | 2003 | 5.2 | Dragon Wars | Fantasy, Drama, Horror, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2007 | 4 | Six-Pack - Jäger des Schlächters | Thriller, Action, Krimi | 2000 | 6.8 | Stirb langsam | Action, Thriller | 1988 | 7.5 | Eraser | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 1996 | 5.7 | No Country for Old Men | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2007 | 7.8 | Tödliche Entscheidung | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2007 | 6.9 | Ausnahmezustand | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 1998 | 6.1 | 21 Gramm | Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2003 | 7.2 | Mimic: Sentinel | Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2003 | 4.9 | Das fünfte Element | Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 1997 | 7.3 | Der Schneider von Panama | Drama, Thriller | 2001 | 6.1 | Teufelskind - Joshua | Drama, Thriller, Horror | 2007 | 5.8 | Turistas | Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.2 | Mr. Brooks - Der Mörder in dir | Drama, Krimi, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 6.8 | The Art of War 2 - Der Verrat | Action, Thriller | 2008 | 4.7 | Hunting Party - Wenn der Jäger zum Gejagten wird | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller, Drama | 2007 | 6.7 | Out for a Kill | Action, Thriller | 2003 | 3.9 | Monument Ave. | Drama, Thriller, Krimi | 1998 | 6.5 | Creep | Horror, Thriller, Mystery | 2004 | 5.5 | Stephen Kings Desperation | Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Mystery | 2006 | 5 | Fatal Contact - Vogelgrippe in Amerika | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2006 | 5.4 | Helden der Nacht | Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2007 | 6.5 | Cavemans Valentine - Tod eines Engels | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2001 | 6.2 | Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer | Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Thriller | 2007 | 5.4 | The Cutter - Diamanten des Todes | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 2005 | 4.1 | Keine halben Sachen 2 - Jetzt erst recht | Komödie, Thriller, Krimi | 2004 | 5.5 | The Missing | Thriller, Western, Abenteuer | 2003 | 6.2 | Straightheads | Thriller | 2007 | 5.1 | Prey | Abenteuer, Horror, Thriller | 2007 | 4.9 | Firestorm - Brennendes Inferno | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 1998 | 4.7 | Shockwave | Thriller, Science Fiction | 2006 | 3.5 | Tattoo | Thriller, Drama, Krimi | 2002 | 5.9 | U-Boat | Action, Drama, Kriegsfilm, Thriller | 2005 | 6 | Never Die Alone | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2004 | 5.6 | Das Vermächtnis des geheimen Buches | Action, Abenteuer, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 6.1 | 30 Days of Night | Horror, Thriller | 2007 | 6.3 | Radio Talk - Verführung um Mitternacht | Thriller | 2002 | 0 | Wolf Creek | Horror, Thriller | 2005 | 6.1 | Die Wahrheit über Charlie | Mystery, Thriller | 2002 | 4.6 | L.A. Angel - Deadly Revenge | Action, Krimi, Thriller | 1994 | 0 | Zimmer 1408 | Horror, Thriller | 2007 | 6.5 | Schrei, wenn Du kannst | Horror, Thriller | 2001 | 4.9 | National Security | Action, Komödie, Krimi, Thriller | 2003 | 5.5 | Ich weiß, wer mich getötet hat | Krimi, Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 4 | The Salton Sea - Die Zeit der Rache | Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2002 | 6.8 | 8 Blickwinkel | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 2008 | 6.3 | Impulse - Tödliche Begierde | Mystery, Thriller | 2008 | 4.8 | Kill me again - Fatale Begegnung | Drama, Action, Thriller, Krimi | 1989 | 5.9 | Gone - Lauf um dein Leben | Krimi, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 2006 | 5.5 | Spiel mit der Angst | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2007 | 6.4 | Cloverfield | Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2008 | 6.5 | Love Lies Bleeding | Action, Krimi, Thriller | 2008 | 6.3 | Ein mutiger Weg | Drama, Thriller | 2007 | 6.5 | Hitcher Returns | Action, Thriller | 2003 | 4.8 | Der Hexenclub | Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 1996 | 6.3 | Im Bann der dunklen Mächte | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.5 | Nothing found. |