| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Children of Men | Drama, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2006 | 7.6 | Game Night | Mystery, Komödie, Krimi, Thriller | 2018 | 7.2 | Pressure - Ohne Ausweg | Drama, Thriller | 2015 | 5.5 | Birth | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2004 | 5.9 | Frankenstein - Das Experiment | Horror, Thriller | 2015 | 5.8 | Stolen | Action, Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2012 | 5.1 | The Proposition - Tödliches Angebot | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Western | 2005 | 7.1 | Stolen | Action, Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2012 | 5.1 | The Warrior's Way | Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Western, Thriller | 2010 | 6.3 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2009 | 6.2 | Auftrag Rache | Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2010 | 6.2 | Birth | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2004 | 5.9 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2009 | 6.2 | Der Hades Faktor | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2006 | 5.8 | 21 Gramm | Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2003 | 7.2 | 30 Days of Night | Horror, Thriller | 2007 | 6.3 | Operation: Kingdom | Thriller, Action, Drama | 2007 | 6.5 | Operation: Kingdom | Thriller, Action, Drama | 2007 | 6.5 | Der ewige Gärtner | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2005 | 6.9 | The Proposition - Tödliches Angebot | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Western | 2005 | 7.1 | Nummer 23 | Thriller, Drama, Mystery | 2007 | 6.4 | Children of Men | Drama, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2006 | 7.6 | Nothing found. |