| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Horns | Thriller, Horror, Drama, Fantasy | 2013 | 6.2 | World War Z | Action, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2013 | 6.7 | McCanick - Bis in den Tod | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2014 | 4.7 | World War Z | Action, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2013 | 6.7 | Drive Angry | Fantasy, Thriller, Action, Krimi | 2011 | 5.3 | Drive Angry | Fantasy, Thriller, Action, Krimi | 2011 | 5.3 | Extrem - Mit allen Mitteln | Drama, Thriller | 1996 | 5.7 | Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker | Drama, Thriller, Kriegsfilm | 2008 | 7.2 | Passengers | Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Liebesfilm | 2008 | 5.8 | Verhandlungssache | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 1998 | 6.8 | 12 Monkeys | Science Fiction, Thriller, Mystery | 1995 | 7.5 | Verhandlungssache | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 1998 | 6.8 | Disturbia - Auch Killer haben Nachbarn | Thriller, Drama, Mystery | 2007 | 6.6 | The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 1996 | 6.9 | Bait - Fette Beute | Action, Thriller, Krimi | 2000 | 6.1 | 16 Blocks | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi, Thriller | 2006 | 6.2 | The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 1996 | 6.9 | Extrem - Mit allen Mitteln | Drama, Thriller | 1996 | 5.7 | 12 Monkeys | Science Fiction, Thriller, Mystery | 1995 | 7.5 | Tödliche Weihnachten | Krimi, Action, Mystery, Thriller | 1996 | 6.5 | Getaway - Auf der Flucht | Drama, Action, Thriller | 1994 | 5.4 | Lebenszeichen - Proof of Life | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Liebesfilm, Thriller | 2000 | 6 | 12 Monkeys | Science Fiction, Thriller, Mystery | 1995 | 7.5 | Nothing found. |