| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Blackway | Thriller, Mystery | 2015 | 5.1 | Vertrauter Feind | Krimi, Thriller, Drama | 1997 | 6 | The Drowning | Drama, Thriller | 2016 | 4.4 | Jason Bourne | Action, Thriller | 2016 | 6 | Jason Bourne | Action, Thriller | 2016 | 6 | Die Bourne Verschwörung | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2004 | 7.2 | Das Bourne Ultimatum | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 7.3 | Die Bourne Identität | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2002 | 7.3 | Jason Bourne | Action, Thriller | 2016 | 6 | Ruf der Macht | Drama, Thriller | 2016 | 5.4 | Unter Beobachtung | Mystery, Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2013 | 5.8 | Out of the Dark | Thriller, Horror | 2014 | 4.6 | Unter Beobachtung | Mystery, Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2013 | 5.8 | Das Omen | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.3 | Das Bourne Ultimatum | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 7.3 | Das Bourne Ultimatum | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2007 | 7.3 | Die Bourne Identität | Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2002 | 7.3 | Die Bourne Verschwörung | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2004 | 7.2 | Nothing found. |