| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Insidious 4 - The Last Key | Mystery, Horror, Thriller | 2018 | 6 | Auslöschung | Mystery, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller, Action, Drama | 2018 | 6.5 | The Girl with All the Gifts | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2016 | 6.3 | Complete Unknown | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2016 | 5 | Birth | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2004 | 5.9 | Unbekannter Anrufer | Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.4 | Reeperbahn | Drama, Thriller | 2016 | 0 | Disconnect | Drama, Thriller | 2012 | 7 | Der blinde Fleck | Drama, Historie, Thriller | 2013 | 5.4 | Birth | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | 2004 | 5.9 | Im Bann der dunklen Mächte | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.5 | Unbekannter Anrufer | Horror, Thriller | 2006 | 5.4 | Nothing found. |