| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Tu hijo - Sohn der Vergeltung | Drama, Thriller | 2018 | 5.6 | Starship Troopers | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 1997 | 6.8 | The Red Sea Diving Resort | Drama, Historie, Thriller | 2019 | 6.7 | Wildling | Fantasy, Drama, Thriller, Horror | 2018 | 5.5 | Rache - Bound To Vengeance | Thriller, Horror | 2015 | 5.8 | The Survivalist | Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2015 | 6.3 | Among the Living - Das Böse ist hier | Thriller, Horror, Mystery | 2014 | 5.4 | Drones | Thriller | 2013 | 4.9 | Panic at Rock Island | Drama, Thriller, Mystery | 2011 | 3.6 | Exit - A Night from Hell | Action, Thriller, Liebesfilm | 2010 | 5.5 | Panic at Rock Island | Drama, Thriller, Mystery | 2011 | 3.6 | A Perfect Getaway | Thriller, Mystery, Abenteuer | 2009 | 6.2 | Survival Island - Wenn Blicke töten können | Horror, Abenteuer, Drama, Thriller | 2005 | 4.7 | Das Arche Noah Prinzip | Science Fiction, Thriller | 1984 | 4.7 | Nothing found. |