| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Matrix Reloaded | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2003 | 6.9 | Tolkien | Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm | 2019 | 6.6 | Wenn du König wärst | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Familie | 2019 | 6.1 | Matrix Reloaded | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2003 | 6.8 | Schneemann | Drama, Krimi, Thriller | 2017 | 5 | Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction | 2016 | 7.4 | Legend of Tarzan | Action, Abenteuer | 2016 | 5.6 | Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction | 2016 | 7.4 | Legend of Tarzan | Action, Abenteuer | 2016 | 5.6 | Legend of Tarzan | Action, Abenteuer | 2016 | 5.6 | Survivor | Thriller | 2015 | 5.5 | Survivor | Thriller | 2015 | 5.5 | Star Wars: Episode III - Die Rache der Sith | Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Action | 2005 | 7.2 | Victoria, die junge Königin | Drama, Historie, Liebesfilm | 2009 | 7.1 | Star Wars: Episode III - Die Rache der Sith | Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Action | 2005 | 7.2 | Matrix Reloaded | Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2003 | 6.7 | Nothing found. |