| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Message in a Bottle | Liebesfilm, Drama | 1999 | 6.1 | Blade Runner 2049 | Science Fiction, Action, Thriller | 2017 | 7.4 | Justice League | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2017 | 6.2 | Justice League | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2017 | 6.3 | Wonder Woman | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Kriegsfilm, Science Fiction | 2017 | 7.2 | Justice League | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2017 | 6.4 | Justice League | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2017 | 6.4 | House of Cards | Drama | 2013 | 8.1 | Blade Runner 2049 | Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2017 | 7.3 | Wonder Woman | Action, Abenteuer | 2017 | 7.2 | State of Play - Stand der Dinge | Thriller | 2009 | 6.7 | Wonder Woman | Action, Abenteuer | 2017 | 7.2 | Ein Zuhause am Ende der Welt | Liebesfilm, Drama | 2004 | 6.9 | Pippa Lee | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 2009 | 5.9 | A Most Wanted Man | Thriller | 2014 | 6.5 | Everest | Abenteuer, Drama | 2015 | 6.7 | Everest | Abenteuer, Drama | 2015 | 6.7 | House of Cards | Drama | 2013 | 8.1 | Everest | Abenteuer, Drama | 2015 | 6.7 | A Most Wanted Man | Thriller | 2014 | 6.5 | Tage am Strand | Drama | 2013 | 6.1 | The Congress | Drama, Science Fiction, Animation | 2013 | 6.4 | Forrest Gump | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 1994 | 8.3 | Nine Lives | Drama, Liebesfilm | 2005 | 6.4 | Rampart - Cop außer Kontrolle | Krimi, Drama | 2011 | 5.3 | Die Kunst zu gewinnen - Moneyball | Drama | 2011 | 7.1 | Die Lincoln Verschwörung | Krimi, Drama, Historie | 2010 | 6.3 | Verblendung | Thriller, Krimi, Mystery, Drama | 2011 | 7.2 | Pippa Lee | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 2009 | 5.9 | New York, I Love You | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 2008 | 5.8 | Nothing found. |