| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Kursk | Drama, Historie, Thriller, Action | 2018 | 6.7 | Der letzte Mohikaner | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Historie, Liebesfilm, Kriegsfilm | 1992 | 7.2 | Jabberwock | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2011 | 3.5 | Die Gärtnerin von Versailles | Drama, Liebesfilm | 2014 | 6.1 | The Imitation Game - Ein streng geheimes Leben | Historie, Drama, Thriller, Kriegsfilm | 2014 | 8 | Halo: Nightfall | Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Action, Thriller | 2014 | 5.2 | The Crime | Action, Drama, Krimi | 2012 | 5.7 | Agent Hamilton 2 - In persönlicher Mission | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2013 | 5.4 | Die Jäger - The New Open Season | Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2011 | 3.6 | The Crime | Action, Drama, Krimi | 2012 | 5.7 | When the Lights Went Out | Thriller, Drama, Horror | 2012 | 5.8 | Jabberwock | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy | 2011 | 3.3 | Arctic Predator - Der weiße Tod | Action, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2010 | 5 | Largo Winch - Tödliches Erbe | Abenteuer, Drama, Action, Thriller | 2008 | 6.1 | Tutanchamun - Der Fluch des Pharao | Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Thriller | 2006 | 4 | Breakfast on Pluto | Drama, Komödie | 2005 | 7 | Sleepy Hollow | Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery | 1999 | 7 | The Hole | Krimi, Drama, Horror, Thriller | 2001 | 6.3 | Nothing found. |