| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | The Death and Return of Superman | Abenteuer, Animation, Action, Fantasy | 2019 | 7.2 | Platoon | Drama, Kriegsfilm, Action | 1986 | 7.7 | Pay Day | Action | 2018 | 8.5 | Final Destination 2 | Horror, Mystery | 2003 | 6 | Final Destination | Horror | 2000 | 6.4 | Der knallharte Prinzipal | Drama | 1989 | 7 | Agoraphobia | Horror, Thriller | 2015 | 4.7 | Frankenstein - Das Experiment | Horror, Thriller | 2015 | 5.8 | Scream at the Devil | Thriller, Mystery | 2015 | 5.2 | VANish | Krimi, Thriller, Action, Horror | 2015 | 4.5 | Disciples - Jünger des Satans | Horror | 2014 | 2.3 | Jack the Reaper | Horror | 2011 | 4.3 | Sushi Girl | Thriller, Krimi | 2012 | 5.4 | 24: Redemption | Action, Abenteuer, Krimi | 2008 | 7 | Final Destination 5 | Horror, Mystery | 2011 | 5.9 | The Man from Earth | Science Fiction, Drama | 2007 | 7.7 | Penance - Sie zahlen für ihre Sünden | Horror, Thriller | 2009 | 3.6 | Spacecenter Babylon 5 - Waffenbrüder | Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 1999 | 7 | Final Destination 5 | Horror, Mystery | 2011 | 5.9 | Transformers - Die Rache | Science Fiction, Action, Abenteuer | 2009 | 6 | Wishmaster | Horror | 1997 | 5.7 | Valerie on the Stairs | Horror | 2006 | 5 | The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 1996 | 6.9 | Final Destination 3 | Horror, Mystery | 2006 | 5.9 | The Rock - Fels der Entscheidung | Action, Abenteuer, Thriller | 1996 | 6.9 | Final Destination 2 | Horror, Mystery | 2003 | 6 | Final Destination | Horror | 2000 | 6.4 | Spacecenter Babylon 5 - Waffenbrüder | Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Abenteuer | 1999 | 7 | Nothing found. |