| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Chroniken der Finsternis - Der schwarze Reiter | Mystery, Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror | 2017 | 6.7 | Chroniken der Finsternis - Blutige Rache | Mystery, Thriller, Horror | 2018 | 7.5 | Quiet Comes the Dawn | Horror, Thriller | 2019 | 6.3 | Chroniken der Finsternis - Der Dämonenjäger | Mystery, Abenteuer, Drama | 2018 | 6.7 | Flucht aus Leningrad | Drama, Kriegsfilm, Action | 2019 | 4.8 | The First Purge | Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror | 2018 | 5.8 | The First Purge | Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror | 2018 | 6 | Geostorm | Action, Science Fiction, Thriller | 2017 | 5.7 | Casino Undercover | Komödie | 2017 | 5.7 | Nothing found. |