| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Day of Reckoning | Science Fiction, Action, Horror | 2017 | 3.3 | The Jungle Book | Abenteuer, Drama, Familie, Fantasy | 2016 | 6.8 | Blade II | Fantasy, Horror, Action, Thriller | 2002 | 6.3 | Fallen Empire - Die Rebellion der Aradier | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Science Fiction | 2012 | 4.2 | Thor: Der Hammer Gottes | TV-Film, Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Fantasy | 2009 | 2.7 | Blade II | Fantasy, Horror, Action, Thriller | 2002 | 6.3 | Blade II | Fantasy, Horror, Action, Thriller | 2002 | 6.3 | Blade II | Fantasy, Horror, Action, Thriller | 2002 | 6.3 | Nothing found. |