| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Takedown | Action, Thriller, Drama, Krimi | 2000 | 6.2 | Motherless Brooklyn | Thriller, Drama, Mystery | 2019 | 7.1 | Brothers | Drama, Thriller, Kriegsfilm | 2009 | 6.8 | Deepwater Horizon | Drama, Action | 2016 | 6.6 | Deepwater Horizon | Drama, Action | 2016 | 6.6 | The Trust: Big Trouble in Sin City | Krimi, Thriller | 2016 | 4.8 | True Story - Spiel um Macht | Krimi, Drama, Mystery | 2015 | 6.2 | The Trust: Big Trouble in Sin City | Krimi, Thriller | 2016 | 4.8 | Desert Blue | Komödie, Drama | 1999 | 5.7 | Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain | Abenteuer, Drama, Historie | 2003 | 6.8 | Grow Up Already | Komödie | 2011 | 0 | Mädelsabend | Komödie | 2014 | 5.8 | Zombie Invasion War | Action, Horror, Thriller | 2012 | 3.4 | The Wolf of Wall Street | Krimi, Drama, Komödie | 2013 | 7.9 | Breakout | Action, Thriller | 2013 | 4.3 | Chasing Amy | Komödie, Drama, Liebesfilm | 1997 | 6.7 | Unstoppable - Ausser Kontrolle | Action, Thriller | 2010 | 6.3 | Takedown | Action, Thriller | 2000 | 6.2 | Meine ersten zwanzig Millionen | Komödie | 2002 | 5.1 | Fanboys | Abenteuer, Komödie | 2009 | 6.1 | The Fountain | Drama, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Liebesfilm | 2006 | 6.8 | Mr. Woodcock | Komödie, Liebesfilm | 2007 | 4.8 | Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain | Abenteuer, Drama, Historie | 2003 | 6.8 | Art School Confidential | Komödie, Drama | 2006 | 5.9 | American History X | Drama | 1998 | 8.2 | Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain | Abenteuer, Drama, Historie | 2003 | 6.8 | Road Trip | Komödie, Abenteuer | 2000 | 5.9 | John Q. - Verzweifelte Wut | Drama, Thriller, Krimi | 2002 | 7 | Butterfly Effect | Science Fiction, Thriller | 2004 | 7.4 | Blow | Krimi, Drama | 2001 | 7.4 | Nothing found. |