| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Don't Be Afraid of the Dark | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 2010 | 5.4 | Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache | Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie | 2017 | 6.5 | Battle of the Sexes - Gegen jede Regel | Komödie, Drama, Historie | 2017 | 7 | Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache | Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie | 2017 | 6.5 | Hacksaw Ridge - Die Entscheidung | Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm | 2016 | 7.9 | The Dressmaker | Drama | 2015 | 6.9 | Headhunt | Thriller, Horror, Komödie | 2012 | 5.5 | Don't Be Afraid of the Dark | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller | 2010 | 5.4 | Nothing found. |