| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword | Action, Drama, Fantasy | 2017 | 6.5 | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword | Action, Drama, Fantasy | 2017 | 6.5 | King Arthur: Legend of the Sword | Action, Drama, Fantasy | 2017 | 6.5 | Cassandras Traum | Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Komödie | 2007 | 6.1 | Cassandras Traum | Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Komödie | 2007 | 6.1 | Good Woman - Ein Sommer in Amalfi | Komödie, Liebesfilm | 2004 | 6 | Cassandras Traum | Krimi, Drama, Thriller, Komödie | 2007 | 6.1 | Nothing found. |