| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Sniper: Homeland Security | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2017 | 6 | Sniper: Homeland Security | Action, Drama, Thriller | 2017 | 6 | Sniper: Ghost Shooter | Action, Drama, Kriegsfilm | 2016 | 5.6 | Im Schatten des Mondes | Dokumentarfilm | 2007 | 7.5 | Sniper: Legacy | Thriller, Action | 2014 | 5.7 | Company of Heroes | Kriegsfilm | 2013 | 5.4 | Company of Heroes | Kriegsfilm | 2013 | 5.4 | Sniper: Reloaded | Kriegsfilm, Action, Thriller, Drama | 2011 | 5 | Rock Monster | Fantasy, Science Fiction | 2008 | 4.7 | Lake Placid 2 | Horror, Science Fiction | 2007 | 4.2 | Michael Collins | Drama, Thriller | 1996 | 6.8 | Nothing found. |