| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Thank You for Your Service | Drama, Kriegsfilm | 2017 | 6.4 | Venom | Science Fiction | 2018 | 6.5 | Venom | Science Fiction | 2018 | 6.5 | Future World | Science Fiction | 2018 | 4.2 | The Safe - Niemand wird verschont | Horror, Thriller | 2017 | 4.6 | Midnight Special | Abenteuer, Drama, Science Fiction | 2016 | 6.3 | Child of God | Krimi, Drama, Thriller | 2014 | 5.4 | As I Lay Dying | Drama | 2013 | 5.6 | Flyboys - Helden der Lüfte | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Historie, Liebesfilm, Kriegsfilm | 2006 | 6.3 | Flyboys - Helden der Lüfte | Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Historie, Liebesfilm, Kriegsfilm | 2006 | 6.3 | Nothing found. |