| Translated Title | Category | Year | Rating | Public Enemies | Krimi, Drama, Historie | 2009 | 6.6 | Somewhere | Komödie, Drama | 2010 | 6.1 | Carjacked | Action, Thriller | 2011 | 5.1 | Leatherface - The Source of Evil | Horror, Thriller | 2017 | 5 | FearDotCom | Horror, Thriller | 2002 | 3.2 | Der Übergang - Rites of Passage | Thriller | 2012 | 4.4 | Zaytoun - Geborene Feinde, echte Freunde | Drama, Kriegsfilm, Abenteuer, Thriller | 2012 | 6.6 | The Honor of Killing | Thriller | 2012 | 3.7 | The Iceman | Thriller, Krimi, Drama | 2012 | 6.4 | Nothing found. |