MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
Camp Bravo Drama, Kriegsfilm 2016 6.8
Die Eiskönigin 2 Animation, Familie, Abenteuer 2019 7.1
Lebe zweimal, liebe einmal Komödie, Drama 2019 7.6
Doctor Strange Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2016 7.4
Braveheart Action, Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm 1995 7.9
Alexander Kriegsfilm, Historie, Action, Abenteuer, Drama, Liebesfilm 2004 5.8
Aquaman Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy 2018 6.8
Bohemian Rhapsody Drama, Musik 2018 8
Mortal Engines: Krieg der Städte Abenteuer, Fantasy 2018 6
Hulk Action, Science Fiction 2003 5.4
Fluch der Karibik Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action 2003 7.7
Anon Science Fiction, Thriller 2018 5.8
The Strangers: Opfernacht Horror, Thriller 2018 5.4
Girls with Balls Horror, Komödie 2019 4.6
Salt Action, Mystery, Thriller 2010 6.3
Origin Unknown Science Fiction 2018 4.9
Daybreakers Action, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction 2009 6.2
Armageddon - Das jüngste Gericht Action, Thriller, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 1998 6.7
A Star Is Born Drama, Liebesfilm, Musik 2018 7.5
Meg Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2018 5.9
After Earth Science Fiction, Action, Abenteuer 2013 5.1
Gegen die Zeit Krimi, Drama, Thriller 1995 6.1
Trotz allem Komödie 2019 6.9
The Equalizer 2 Thriller, Action, Krimi 2018 6.4
Proud Mary Thriller, Action, Krimi 2018 5.4
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Komödie, Liebesfilm 2018 7.3
Justice League Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2017 6.2
Percy Jackson - Diebe im Olymp Abenteuer, Fantasy, Familie 2010 6.1
Captain America: The First Avenger Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2011 6.8
Ocean's Twelve Thriller, Krimi 2004 6.5
Ocean's Eleven Thriller, Krimi 2001 7.3
Ocean's 13 Krimi, Thriller 2007 6.7
Ocean's 8 Krimi, Komödie, Action, Thriller 2018 6.9
The Huntsman & the Ice Queen Action, Abenteuer, Drama 2016 6.2
Illuminati Thriller, Mystery 2009 6.6
The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg Thriller, Mystery 2006 6.6
Nick und Norah - Soundtrack einer Nacht Komödie, Musik, Liebesfilm 2008 6.4
Real Steel Action, Science Fiction, Drama 2011 6.8
96 Hours - Taken 3 Thriller, Action 2014 6.1
Jurassic World - Das gefallene Königreich Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2018 6.5
London Has Fallen Action, Thriller 2016 5.9
Red Sparrow Mystery, Thriller 2018 6.5
Freundschaft Plus Komödie, Liebesfilm 2011 6.2
Troja Abenteuer, Drama, Kriegsfilm 2004 7
Justice League Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2017 6.3
Meg Action, Science Fiction, Thriller 2018 6
Sador - Herrscher im Weltraum Science Fiction 1980 5.8
What Happened to Monday? Science Fiction, Thriller, Drama 2017 7.2
Spider-Man 3 Fantasy, Action, Abenteuer 2007 6
Spider-Man 2 Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy 2004 6.8
Spider-Man Fantasy, Action 2002 6.9
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie 2017 6.5
Das fünfte Element Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction 1997 7.3
Abgang mit Stil Krimi, Komödie, Drama 2017 6.6
Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Mystery 2012 6.3
Gone Baby Gone - Kein Kinderspiel Krimi, Drama, Mystery 2007 7.2
Die Legende von Barney Thomson Komödie, Drama, Thriller 2015 6
Max Steel Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2016 5.1
Independence Day - Wiederkehr Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2016 5
Batman Begins Action, Krimi, Drama 2005 7.5
Virtual Revolution Science Fiction 2016 5.4
The Great Wall Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy 2016 5.8
The Hunter's Prayer Action, Thriller 2017 5.8
Doctor Strange Action, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2016 7.2
Arrival Thriller, Drama, Science Fiction, Mystery 2016 7.3
X-Men: Apocalypse Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2016 6.4
The Purge: Election Year Action, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
Der Patriot Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm, Action 2000 6.9
Jason Bourne Action, Thriller 2016 6
Wrecker Thriller, Action, Horror 2015 4.2
Avengers: Age of Ultron Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2015 7.3
Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2014 6.2
American Sniper Kriegsfilm, Action 2014 7.4
Interstellar Abenteuer, Drama, Science Fiction 2014 8.1
The Interview Action, Komödie 2014 6.1
The Immigrant Drama, Liebesfilm 2013 6.2
Die Tribute von Panem - Mockingjay Teil 1 Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Thriller 2014 6.7
Love, Rosie - Für immer vielleicht Komödie, Liebesfilm 2014 7.8
John Wick Action, Thriller 2014 7
The Cold Light of Day Action, Thriller 2012 4.9
Let's be Cops - Die Party Bullen Komödie 2014 6.3
Devil's Knot - Im Schatten der Wahrheit Krimi, Drama, Thriller 2013 5.8
Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 1983 7.9
Krieg der Sterne Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 1977 8.1
Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 1999 6.4
Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Mystery 2012 6.3
Marvel's The Avengers Science Fiction, Action, Abenteuer 2012 7.5
Battleship Thriller, Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2012 5.5
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Showing: 1-88 of 88