MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
Nevrland Drama 2019 5
Ice Age 4 - Voll verschoben Animation, Komödie, Abenteuer, Familie 2012 6.3
X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction, Thriller 2006 6.4
Braveheart Action, Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm 1995 7.9
Bohemian Rhapsody Drama, Musik 2018 8
Verlorene Drama 2018 7.8
Bodyguard Thriller, Action, Drama, Musik, Liebesfilm 1992 6.5
Boys in the Trees Drama, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
Anon Science Fiction, Thriller 2018 5.8
The Darkest Minds - Die Überlebenden Science Fiction, Thriller 2018 6.8
Independence Day Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 1996 6.8
Ich weiß noch immer, was du letzten Sommer getan hast Horror, Mystery, Thriller 1998 5.2
The Expendables 3 Action, Abenteuer, Thriller 2014 6.1
Legion Horror 2010 5.3
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer Abenteuer, Familie, Fantasy 2018 6.4
Domino Action, Krimi 2005 5.9
Akte X - Der Film Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller 1998 6.7
Der Dunkle Turm Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Western, Horror 2017 5.6
Ocean's Eleven Thriller, Krimi 2001 7.3
Ocean's 8 Krimi, Komödie, Action, Thriller 2018 6.9
Demolition Man Krimi, Action, Science Fiction 1993 6.5
White House Down Action, Drama, Thriller 2013 6.4
Real Steel Action, Science Fiction, Drama 2011 6.8
Stargate Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 1994 6.9
Akte X - Jenseits der Wahrheit Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller 2008 5.6
Extinction Science Fiction, Thriller, Drama, Action 2018 6
Mister before Sister Komödie, Liebesfilm 2017 5.1
Spider-Man 3 Fantasy, Action, Abenteuer 2007 6
Fast & Furious 8 Abenteuer, Action, Krimi, Thriller 2017 6.8
Dreamcatcher Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2003 5.3
Dreamcatcher Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller 2003 5.3
The Hunter's Prayer Action, Thriller 2017 5.8
Creed - Rocky's Legacy Drama 2015 7.3
Blood Father Action, Thriller 2016 6.2
Der Patriot Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm, Action 2000 6.9
Even Lambs Have Teeth Thriller 2015 5.9
Dr.House Drama, Komödie, Mystery 2004 8.1
Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk among the Tombstones Krimi, Drama, Mystery, Thriller 2014 6.2
Maps to the Stars Drama 2014 6
Madame Mallory und der Duft von Curry Drama 2014 7.3
Savages on Wolf Creek Thriller, Horror 2011 3.1
Schändung Krimi, Thriller 2014 7
Left Behind Thriller, Action, Science Fiction 2014 3.8
Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten im Labyrinth Action, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller 2014 7
The Expendables 3 Action, Abenteuer, Thriller 2014 6.1
Battleship Thriller, Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2012 5.5
Nothing found.
Showing: 1-46 of 46