MovieDB | Oli | oli

Translated Title Category Year Rating
X-Men Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 2000 7
Braveheart Action, Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm 1995 7.9
Basic Instinct Thriller, Mystery 1992 6.7
The Dark Knight Drama, Action, Krimi, Thriller 2008 8.4
Batman Fantasy, Action 1989 7.1
Boys in the Trees Drama, Horror, Thriller 2016 6.1
The Darkest Minds - Die Überlebenden Science Fiction, Thriller 2018 6.8
Footloose Drama, Liebesfilm 1984 6.5
3 Days to Kill Action, Drama, Thriller, Krimi 2014 6.1
Top Gun Action, Liebesfilm 1986 6.8
Run All Night Action, Krimi, Drama, Thriller 2015 6.4
Fair Game - Nichts ist gefährlicher als die Wahrheit Drama, Thriller 2010 6.6
Proud Mary Thriller, Action, Krimi 2018 5.4
Pacific Rim: Uprising Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2018 5.9
The First Purge Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Horror 2018 5.8
Der Dunkle Turm Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Western, Horror 2017 5.6
Illuminati Thriller, Mystery 2009 6.6
Gladiator Action, Drama, Abenteuer 2000 8.1
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Action, Drama, Fantasy 2017 6.5
Die Insel Action, Thriller, Science Fiction, Abenteuer 2005 6.6
In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab Action, Thriller, Science Fiction 2011 6.8
Thor: Tag der Entscheidung Action, Abenteuer, Komödie, Fantasy, Science Fiction 2017 7.5
Terminator: Die Erlösung Action, Science Fiction, Thriller 2009 5.9
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache Abenteuer, Action, Fantasy, Komödie 2017 6.5
Der Dunkle Turm Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Western 2017 5.6
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
Die Legende von Barney Thomson Komödie, Drama, Thriller 2015 6
The Answer: Who Am I? Action, Thriller, Science Fiction 2015 5.1
Creed - Rocky's Legacy Drama 2015 7.3
X-Men: Apocalypse Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction 2016 6.4
Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Fantasy 2015 7.5
Jurassic World Action, Abenteuer, Science Fiction, Thriller 2015 6.5
American Sniper Kriegsfilm, Action 2014 7.4
Love, Rosie - Für immer vielleicht Komödie, Liebesfilm 2014 7.8
Ready to Rumble Action, Komödie, Drama 2000 4.9
Alien 3 Science Fiction, Action, Horror 1992 6.2
Mr. Hoppys Geheimnis Liebesfilm, Komödie 2015 7.1
Star Wars: Episode III - Die Rache der Sith Science Fiction, Abenteuer, Action 2005 7.2
Star Wars: Episode II - Angriff der Klonkrieger Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 2002 6.4
Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung Abenteuer, Action, Science Fiction 1999 6.4
Marvel's The Avengers Science Fiction, Action, Abenteuer 2012 7.5
Nothing found.
Showing: 1-41 of 41